“A billion soul harvest has just begun…”
“The great awakening will release a Holy Spirit invasion within certain cities, regions, and nations….bringing major cultural transformation.”
Church leaders everywhere are declaring a revival that will transform the world before Jesus comes. But what if they’re wrong? Could it be that God has other plans? What if the final revival turns out to be unpopular and offensive like all the others? Could it be that revival leaders are pursuing the wrong agenda?
This book reclaims the purpose of revival that has been lost to the church, and prepares believers to receive the final move of God. After taking a brief look at 500 years of His sovereign interventions, it reveals a distinct pattern of restoration following the sixth chapter of Hebrews. Six doctrines have been restored with one left to go – one that will bring the age to a close.
There is an awakening coming. It is called the Day of the Lord. The question is not going to be about how many are saved, but who is able to stand. This book is a wakeup call to those who want God’s purpose for His church rather than man’s agenda for Christianity. Isn’t it time you discovered which one you are living for?

This book presents the Pre-Trib Rapture from a non-dispensationalist perspective. It contains many insights that are fresh and life changing! You will discover that it’s not for all who profess Christ, but for the overcomers – the Bridal Remnant! It does not just appear in one or two Scriptures but is a major theme of the New Testament. The Bride longs and prepares for the Bridegroom as she awaits her upward call. The Bridegroom is coming soon, and she knows it, and can see the day approaching. He will take her to Himself as He has promised. This is, and has always been, the hope of the true church – to be with Jesus. Do you have this hope in you or has it been stolen by preachers who focus on this age rather than the one to come? There are two churches at the end – one that is lukewarm and one that’s on fire. There is a bride and a harlot. There is a church that is taken and one that is left. Clearly now the lines are being drawn. If you are wanting to know the truth about the Rapture, this is the book for you!

These New Testament epistles of Paul have been used for centuries to teach everything under the sun, from legalism to grace, freedom from sin to licentiousness, love of Christ to hatred of the Law and everything Jewish – even Anti-Semitism. Indeed, wherever there is controversy in the church, you will find Romans and Galatians used to debate each position. But how can the Scriptures written by such an incredible teacher and apostle, chosen by God to bring the gospel to the Gentiles, spawn so much confusion and controversy? What is the reason so many godly people have misinterpreted their message and even twisted their meaning?
The answer to these questions lies, I believe, in the failure of Gentile Christians to understand First Century Judaism and the error of the Jewish legalists. The early centuries of Christianity muddied the waters in this regard and superimposed a blurry lens on these sacred texts that is still confusing God’s people today. This book presents a fresh look with the lens removed. Get ready to have your eyes opened to the truth about law and grace and the marvelous freedom of the children of promise!

TORAH: Recently a well-known pastor suggested that Christians should unhitch their faith from the “Old Testament.” Sadly, his sentiments are shared by many in the modern church who constantly attack the Hebrew Scriptures and promote the reading of the New Testament only, particularly the writings of Paul. However, as important as the New Testament or Greek Scriptures are, they are only understood properly when they rest on the foundation of the Hebrew Scriptures. When Paul said that “All Scripture” was God breathed and necessary for the man or woman (Gr. anthrōpos) of God to be equipped, he was speaking of the Old Testament, the centerpiece of which is The Torah – the writings of Moses. Thus no one can be equipped for Christian ministry without an adequate understanding of these sacred texts.
THE PROPHETS: The foundation of the church is Christ Himself and the revelation of Him that has come to us through the apostles and prophets. These are not just any apostles and prophets from either Biblical or modern times. They are “the” apostles of the Lord and “the” Prophets of Israel. This is clearly presented to us in the above passage written by Paul, who uses the definite article to indicate who they are (“the” apostles and prophets). However, the church today, because of its continued love affair with Replacement Theology (the idea that the church has replaced Israel), has little time for the writings of the Prophets other than the use of stories or quotes that support their narrative or agenda. Yet it is the Scriptures of the Prophets that unveil to us God’s plan for the end of the age and the Messianic kingdom that is coming. Without embracing the revelation of the Hebrew Prophets, the church cannot have a solid foundation or reach its destiny by the side of the Biblical Christ!

What is the New Apostolic Reformation or the New Apostolic Age? Where have all the apostles in the Body of Christ come from? Are they the ones that will bring heaven down to earth? Will the Local Church be replaced by Apostolic Centers? Will these apostles transform culture and take the 7 Mountains? What is formal alignment? Have you or your church been aligned? Are end-time judgments coming or is everything going to get better now that the apostles are restored? By examining the method and message of the current apostolic movement, this book uncovers the true foundation of the Church and the agenda of the Father in the last days. By speaking the truth in love, it dissolves the clouds of ignorance used by the enemy to tranquilize the Church, and lead her astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.

This book replaces the Understanding Bible Prophecy textbook and answers all your End-Times questions!
Do we really need another book on End-Times? With all the Left-Behind movies, Armageddon scenarios, Mystery Babylon theories, Revelation Trumpets, and Mid-East Beast teachings, what’s left to talk about? Could there be something we haven’t heard? The answer is amazingly yes! Despite all the best sellers, the church continues to be ignorant and confused about End-Times. Many questions remain unanswered and controversies continue to grow. Are we in the End-Times? How do we know for sure? Is God’s judgment coming or is everything going to get better? Will Islam take over the world? What will happen to Israel? Will Christians have to endure the Tribulation? Can we know when it will happen or is it unknowable? Why do we have so many theories among Christians? Jesus told His followers that we would know the mysteries of the kingdom and that the Holy Spirit would tell us what is to come! Nevertheless, many mysteries remain and some seem unknowable. Could it be that there is something missing? Have the passages been misinterpreted? Have the ancient clues been misread? Is there wisdom yet to be discovered? Were the keys to the End-Time scenario lost to the church? The answer is, amazingly, yes! This book contains the Seven Lost Keys that unlock the End-Time drama and solve the timeless puzzles. Once you discover them you will no longer be confused, frightened, or shaken from your composure. You will instead be filled with excitement about the return of Christ? Do you have questions about the end of the age that have not been answered? Have you been told that none of it matters, yet you know in your heart it really does? If the answer is yes, then this book is for you!

What is it about Israel that is so special?
How has she survived millennia of persecution and oppression?
Why is she once again the central focus of world attention and politics?
Could this be the time when the Father restores the kingdom to her?
Israel is the delight of God’s heart, the apple of His eye, His firstborn son (Ex 4:22), His sovereign choice, His special possession, and His eternal dwelling and glory (Is 46:13). She is the focus of Scripture, the burden of the prophets and the tears of the Messiah.PJ Hanley has written a book intended to open the eyes of Christians to the central role of Israel in the plan of God. It’s a spiritual journey from the past to the present and beyond. It examines the doctrines and attitudes of the modern church, which defraud Israel and contribute to the curse of Scriptural blindness, deadness and lack of the Spirit’s power. It’s not a journey for the weak or frail who prefer the comfort and familiarity of their surroundings to the discovery and adventure of the pioneer. However, it’s a journey that must be traveled and a destination the church must reach before the advent of the King!

There is a new movement sweeping the church. Its adherents call it the “Grace Revolution” – a separation between “grace teaching” and “law teaching.” It’s not a “gentle reformation,” they insist, but a revolt against “religious legalism and hypocrisy.” However, the problem with this movement is not the grace but the so-called “truth” that accompanies it. To have a grace revolution we must have a truth revolution as well. Grace without truth is really Grace Gone Wild. This book examines the teachings that have come to be known as “Hyper Grace” and corrects the distortions upon which they are founded. It presents a unique Hebraic perspective which restores the integrity of Scripture and demolishes the stronghold of “Law versus Grace” that has been built up in the minds of contemporary believers. Grace Gone Wild is a must-read for all believers who love the truth of God’s word as well as the Presence of the Holy Spirit.