Would you like to give an offering into the larger worldwide body of Christ?
You can GIVE special offerings into Banner of Love Ministries with the PayPal button below.
Local church members should give their regular tithes into the local body that you attend weekly. Find your local church website, click here.
Satellite Church Members:
Giving our tithes and offerings is a part of worship, and is a vital part of church and community life.

Local church members are encouraged to set aside their tithe weekly to be brought into the local church on Sundays. While the Satellite church members may not always be meeting together physically, we can still keep this important commandment of worship to our Lord. You can give your tithes online through our ministry’s PayPal account. You don’t need a PayPal account to give. Just click this button below.
If you do not have access to online banking, please contact pastor@banneroflove.org for information on how to bring your tithes and offerings in another way.
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the Lord.