Banner of Love Ministries

From the local church in Port Ewen, New York has grown an international ministry. We’re working to equip and plant churches around the world…
PJ & Kathy Hanley are the founding pastors of Banner of Love Church in Port Ewen, NY which they planted together with their family in 1996. PJ & Kathy also founded Turning Hearts Ministries (Israel) and Understanding Bible Prophecy, with a vision to equip the church for the end of the age. From their ministry to Israel and End Times teaching, an international desire for more local churches with this kind of teaching grew.
With connections in Ireland (PJ Hanley being himself a native born Irishman), doors began to open for a church plant in Ireland. In 2012, Kyle & Rachel Chahanovich local associate pastors from Port Ewen, NY were sent out to plant a church in Wicklow, Ireland. It was then a second Banner of Love Church was born.
By 2016 the requests for teaching, books, seminars, and travel grew. In this time, PJ and Kathy Hanley handed over senior leadership of the New York church to their son Michael Hanley. This freed up PJ and Kathy oversee Banner of Love Ministries. Here Hanley’s spent much of their time traveling internationally to teach seminars, minister healing, train and equip leaders, and to plant and foster churches.
In 2018 the Hanley’s relocated along with some team members from New York to plant and pastor a new Banner of Love church, in Houston, Texas. This would be the third Banner of Love Church.
With growing international request for more teaching — and then the 2020 lockdowns — the three church leaders worked together to develop stronger online teaching resources. It was from here that we ultimately developed the Banner of Love Ministries Media Page ( and the Online, School of the Bible (
In the aftermath of the Covid Pandemic, church closures and mainly online services created a greater demand for local churches and pastoral care. It was in 2022 that the Irish Banner of Love team felt to branch out and fill gaps in the community by planting another church in Arklow, Ireland.
In May of 2024, Banner of Love Ministries held their first ever international conference. Joined by old ministry friends in Israel, and international teams from all four Banner of Love Churches, we felt renewed in our vision to prepare & equip the Bride of Christ around the world for the soon return of Christ. With war in Ukraine — and now Israel — World War is mounting and with it grows the desire and demand for churches with teaching on End-Times, the Bride of Christ, and the Centrality of Israel in Bible Prophecy.
Recognising this growing need, we are now developing a new church planting endeavour. This year we look to develop and establish Satellite Churches to connect believers globally. We are looking to build up an international church body via a satellite network. Through this network, believers around the world will have access remotely to all the same teaching and pastoring resources that our local churches receive.
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